Monday, November 9, 2015

Casino Table Game Protection and Undercover Investigations by Richard Marcus

                               GAME PROTECTION TRAINING CLASSES & SEMINARS
                               CASINO CONTOL AND PROCEDURAL EVALUATIONS 
                                 UNDERCOVER GAMING FLOOR INVESTIGATIONS  

If you want the typical casino table games protection consultant, DO NOT hire Richard Marcus. He DOES NOT give you the tired Power Point presentation accompanied by surveillance footage you have already seen. He DOES really train you and your staff how to catch cheats, advantage players and dishonest employees as well as show you how to keep them out of your casino. If that interests you, then HIRE Richard Marcus. 

He is the REAL DEAL...not one of the numerous magicians and card-tricksters out there calling themselves casino table game protection consultants. They are phonies. Richard Marcus has DONE and SEEN it all. Remember, casino cheating has absolutely nothing to do with magic or sleight of hand. These people show you a few card and dice tricks to convince you they are experts at cheating. The truth is they wouldn't know a casino cheat if they tripped over one.
He is also ready to conduct an undercover surveillance of your entire casino floor. He will spot the weaknesses in procedure, the dishonest dealers and floorpeople, and should there be advantage-players or cheats, them as well--unless they're invisible. This sounds lofty, but if anyone can claim it, it is Richard Marcus. 

Link to my Casino Game Protection Video.
Link to my 2013 Usenix Casino Security Symposium Game Protection Presentation.
Link to my Casino Table Game Protection Page.

Who is Richard Marcus? Richard Marcus is the world's most recognized authority on casino cheating and advantage-play, including scams engineered by casino employees. He now offers detailed training and seminars to entire casino staffs, including dealers, floor personnel and surveillance. He is the only person alive who has been both a casino dealer and floorman as well as a world class casino cheat. These experiences give him the unique ability to teach casino staffs HANDS-ON how to protect against cheaters and advantage-play teams. No one else can teach you how professional casino teams communicate, move around in your casino and perform the moves and high-tech scams that get the money off the tables. His engaging and authoritative insights have been featured at The World Game Protection Conference as well as many international TV segments about casino surveillance and the armies of cheaters who battle against it.

No other expert possesses the authority of a successful professional with years of experience from both sides of the tables.

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 To book Richard for your speaking and training needs, contact Richard at: